Setting up Homescreen Background and Carousel Images

Overview Our platform makes it easy to create a beautiful and seamless Homescreen design for your app. Upload your own custom designs, or choose from one of our many templated background images. You can also use our rotating Carousel images to create a dynamic experience users will remember! Note: The iPhone 4/4S section will not appear for newly…

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Design Step Checklist Overview

Information The Design Step is where you design the layout for your app’s homescreen, customize your navigation button, and create each feature’s styling, such as the color and font. This is where you will begin the app-building process, but you can continually add or remove features as you please after you have moved onto the subsequent steps.…

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Customizing a Feature Icon

Overview The appearance of the Feature icon is fully customizable. You will find the instructions on how to do it in this article.     Process To customize the Feature icon, follow the steps below: Navigate to Build and select the feature you want to edit. Click the Edit button next to the Feature icon. A pop-up window appears with two sections: Library…

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Creating the Blur Effect

Overview The background image blur effect helps you create great-looking applications in less time than ever before. Starting with just one image, you can now toggle the blur effect on globally or on a feature-by-feature basis to complete graphics for your entire app. If you want to spice up some features with a bit of…

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Correct Image Sizes

Overview From Cedar release and onwards, all images will be handled using Aspect Fill. This means strict image constraints are gone, and image skewing and distortion is a thing of the past! In this article, you will learn about Aspect Ratio, Aspect Fill, and the recommended image sizes to use when designing your app.     Information Let us define Aspect Ratio and Aspect…

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