Industries That Cannot Be Served



Apple’s approval guidelines are extremely strict. As a result, we set down specific limitations to help you get your app approved.

This article provides information on the types of industries where apps created for them will not get approved in the App Store.




Apple’s Biggest Pet Peeves

  • Wedding or Personal Event Apps: Apple will never approve an app that is for a wedding or any other personal event. It holds no long-term value in the marketplace, and after the event is over, it will most likely never be used again. Apple does not want unused apps floating around the App Store.
  • Adult Content Apps: An app with overt adult themes, nudity, or questionable content. This includes apps for gentlemen’s clubs, escort services, adult entertainers, etc.

Apps created for these types of industries are a NO-GO. They are extremely hard to create without violating one, if not several, of Apple’s review guidelines. For that reason, we will not spend time uploading them, just as you should not spend time creating them.

Additional Guidelines

  • Apps cannot be solely marketing in nature, meaning the app cannot simply list your services or products. There must be a useful function to the app that compels users to revisit it often.
  • Apps must contain dynamic content and integrate with iOS’s native features.
  • For additional reference, please take a look at Apple’s review guidelines.

Note: Even if you believe your app does not violate these rules and has a distinct purpose, we will not upload it. However, there is no review process for Android or HTML5 apps, which means you have free rein for those platforms!


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