Setting up the Food Ordering Confirmation Email



Many features include the Confirmation Email section, allowing you to customize what is sent to both you and your customers when an order is placed. This is primarily applicable if you want more detailed confirmation emails, or need to translate them into a language besides English.

In this article, you will learn about the two different confirmation email types and how to set them up within the Food Ordering feature.




To set up the Confirmation Email, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Build section in your dashboard.
  2. Click the Email tab under Ordering Service (within the Food Ordering feature) to get started.Screen_Shot_2019-08-29_at_9.49.26_PM.png
  3. Click on the tab that you want to set up. You will customize two different email types: Customer Confirmation (order confirmation for user) and Admin Receipt (order confirmation for business).
  4. When you are done, make sure to click the Save button at the top of the page.


Customer Confirmation Email


Field Description
  • Create a subject line for the confirmation email.
Message Template
  • Add or remove objects from your email.
  • The bracketed items will auto-generate appropriate info for the specific order.
  • You can add more of these bracketed items from the Email Objects section at the bottom.
Ordered Items Template
  • The first bracketed section of your Message Template, called {ORDEREDITEMS_LIST}, will pull from this section.
  • Just like the previous section, you can add or remove objects at your discretion.
Email Objects
  • These are the email fields from which you choose what goes into each email (e.g. Delivery Name, Delivery Address, Order Time).


Admin Receipt Email


Field Description
Admin Email
  • New orders will be emailed to this address.
  • Create a subject line for the confirmation email the Admin will receive.
Message Template 
  • Add or remove objects from your email.
  • The bracketed items will auto-generate appropriate information for that specific order.
  • You can add more of these bracketed items from the Email Objects section at the bottom.
Email Objects
  • These are the email fields from which you choose what goes into each email (e.g. Delivery Name, Delivery Address, Order Time).


Custom Guides


Field Description
Customize the details listed for your items here in your ‘Order Items List’ 
  • This is where you can choose the order and the setup for each section of the email.
Email Objects 
  • These are the email fields from which you choose what goes into each email (e.g. Delivery Name, Delivery Address, Order Time).
Customize Specific Text               
  • If you need to translate your confirmation email, click this header to do so.
  • You can translate ‘Delivery’, ‘Takeout’, ‘Dine In’, ‘Card’, and ‘Cash’.


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