Setting up the Merchandise Feature



The Merchandise feature is a simple way for businesses to start making sales through their app. You can use the Custom option to create your own in-app marketplace or opt to integrate VolusionMagento, or Shopify if you have an existing marketplace.

This article provides the steps to set up this feature in your app.




This feature is available on the following platforms:

  • iOS
  • Android
  • HTML5

This feature is recommended for the following industries:

  • Bands/Musicians
  • Clothing Stores
  • Retail

Monetization ideas:

  • This feature is ROI waiting to happen. Just fill up your marketplace and let your users click away. We don’t take any of the profits—it all goes straight to the business.

Related features:




To set up the Merchandise feature, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Build section of your dashboard.
  2. Click Add Feature.
  3. Choose the Merchandise feature from the menu, then click Select.
  4. Name your feature, then click Add. Your new feature will now appear in the left-side menu.
  5. Click on the feature to expand its menu. From the left-side menu you can do the following:
    • Use the checkbox to delete the feature.
    • Click and drag the arrow icon to rearrange.
    • Edit the feature icon by clicking it, then selecting a new image from the fly-up menu.
    • Toggle the feature on/off.
    • Jump to a specific section (e.g. Content or Custom Design) to adjust the feature settings.


Here you can rename the feature, adjust the settings, and fill up your marketplace with items.

    1. Under Screen Info, change your Screen / Feature Name or leave as-is. This is the name that will appear in the app’s feature menu (e.g. Shop instead of Merchandise).
    2. Under Settings, check the box to enable specific options.
      • Go Back Prompt: Users will see an “Are you sure?” prompt if they click the back arrow when this setting is enabled. They can choose to Go Back or Stay Here. This prevents them from losing the items in their shopping cart.
      • Special Delivery Details: Users can add special delivery instructions to their order when this setting is enabled.
    3. If you are integrating with Volusion, Magento, or Shopify, skip ahead to Step 4. Else, under Shopping Cart, select Customize Your Own Shopping Cart to create a new marketplace. Complete each section below.

      Note: Selling your product locally for customers to pick up? Selling a digital product you wish to email to your client? We do not offer these new delivery types in addition to the existing shipping ability. Select which methods you wish to offer; you can even give them custom names.

      • Payment: Select your business’s payment options.
        • Braintree: Toggle on to enable credit card processing through Braintree Feel free to reach out for instructions on generating your Merchant IDBraintree Public Key, and Braintree Private Key.
        • Cash: Toggle on to enable cash payment. Users will need to pay upon delivery if this option is selected.
        • Currency: Select the appropriate currency from the dropdown menu.
        • Tax Details: If applicable, add a tax rate or flat value for orders.
          • Tax Name: Give the tax a name.
          • Tax Method: Select by Rate or by Flat from the dropdown menu.
          • Rate (%) or Flat Value: Input the rate or flat value.
      • Pickup Method: Select your business’s delivery options.
        • Pickup Title: Enter your own title for Pickup here
        • Pickup Confirmation Message: Message to be displayed once a user completes a ‘pickup‘ order.
        • Digital Method: Electronically send items. Users are required to enter a valid email address to receive a purchase.
        • Digital Title: Enter your own title for Digital here.
        • Shipping Method: Allow items to be shipped.
        • Shipping Title: Enter your own title for Ship here.
        • Shipping Minimum: Minimum purchase price for shipping.
        • Free Shipping Amount: Minimum purchase price for free shipping.
        • Shipping Days: Number of days before item ships from factory.
        • Shipping Fee Taxable: Toggle on to include taxes in shipping fees.
      • Menu: Add categories and items to your marketplace.
        • Category View Display: Select tile or list view for your categories.
        • Category: Click Add Category. Complete the fields below, then click Add. Repeat this process for each category.
          • Category Name: Give the category a name (e.g. Shirts or Vinyls).
          • Image of Category: Upload a category image (750x260px in PNG format) for this category or use a hosted image URL.
        • Item: Click Add Item. Complete the fields below, then click Add. Repeat this process for each item.
          • Details: Complete the item details here.
            • Item Name: Give the item a name.
            • Choose Category: Select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu.
            • Item Description: Provide more details on the item.
            • Item List Price ($): Input the item price.
            • Item Is Tax Exempted: Toggle on if the item is not taxable.
            • Item Inventory: Specify the available inventory. This will prevent users from ordering out-of-stock items.
          • Customize: Add sizes and options for the item.
            • Item Sizes: Complete the fields below to add sizes for the item. Click Add New Size and repeat this process if there are more than 3 sizes.
              • Size: Specify the size (e.g. Medium).
              • Price ($): Input the size’s total price. This will override the item’s default price.
            • Item Options: Complete the fields below to add options for the item. Click Add New Option and repeat this process if there are more than 3 options.
              • Option: Specify the option (e.g. Red).
              • Charges ($): Input the option’s additional charge or leave blank. This will be added to the item’s total price.
          • Images of Item: Upload a images (500x500px in PNG format) for this item. The Primary Image will appear in the list view. You can drag images to rearrange their order.
      • Emails: Customize the order confirmation emails.
        • Customer Confirmation: This is the confirmation email customers will receive when they place an order.
        • Admin Receipt: This is the confirmation email the app admin will receive when an order is placed.
        • Custom Guides: Customize how individual items are displayed in confirmation emails.
      • Extras: Add a printer or preview your web widget here.
        • Printer: You can connect a printer to the Merchandise feature to automatically print order confirmations.
          • Click Add Printer to connect an e-printer.
          • Click Connect to Google Cloud Printer (BETA) if you would prefer to use a Cloud-ready printer (not recommended).
        • Web Widget: You can add your custom marketplace to your front-end website using a web widget. The embed code is emailed to you when you publish your app. Click Preview Widget to see how your web marketplace will appear.
    4. If you have created a custom marketplace, skip ahead to Step 5. Else, under Shopping Cart, select your preferred integration option. Input the Mobile Shopping Cart URL in the space provided.
    5. Click Save at the top right when you are done.

Custom Design

If you would like to create a custom design for this feature instead of using the Global Design, please refer to the article Feature: Custom Design Area.

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