Setting up the Music Feature



The Music feature is a great way to share and sell tracks inside your app. You can import, upload, or link to music files to easily integrate them within the app.

If you include the Music feature within your app, be sure to enable Audio Background Play in the Publish step before you publish your app. This will allow music to play continuously even after users navigate away from your app.

This article provides the steps to set up this feature in your app.




This feature is available on the following platforms:

  • iOS
  • Android

This feature is recommended for the following industries:

  • Clubs
  • Musicians and DJs
  • Fitness Studios

Monetization ideas:

  • Use the app to promote and sell music through the app.
  • Provide music to accompany workout routines.

Related features:


Note: Custom track file size cannot exceed 6 MB. Files larger than this will not upload successfully to the platform.



To set up the Music feature, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Build section of your dashboard.
  2. Click Add Feature.
  3. Choose the Music feature from the menu, then click Select.


  4. Name your feature, then click Add. Your new feature will now appear in the left-side menu.
  5. Click on the feature to expand its menu. From the left-side menu, you can do the following:
    • Use the checkbox to delete the feature.
    • Click and drag the arrow icon to rearrange.
    • Edit the feature icon by clicking it, then selecting a new image from the fly-up menu.
    • Toggle the feature on/off.
    • Jump to a specific section (e.g. Content or Custom Design) to adjust the feature settings.


Here you can rename the feature and add music.

  1. Under Screen Info, change your Screen / Feature Name or leave as-is. This is the name that will appear in the app’s feature menu (e.g. Beats instead of Music).


  2. Under Settings, check the box to enable specific options.
    • Homescreen Widget: Toggle on this feature to add a Music feature shortcut to your app’s home screen. When you enable the widget, music will automatically begin playing when your app is launched.
  3. Under Music, you have two ways to add music:


    • Add Custom Track
      1. Click Add Custom Track.
      2. Complete the fields below, then click Add. Repeat this process for each track.


        Field Description
        Add button Click this button to select a file from your computer (it must be in .mp3 format and under 6MB). You can link to a hosted .mp3 file instead by filling out the URL field on the right.
        Track Name Give your track a name.
        Choose Artist Choose an artist name from the dropdown, or create a new artist name.
        Choose Album Choose an album name from the dropdown, or create a new album name.
        Purchase URL for Full Audio Track Include the URL to purchase the complete track.
        Description Use the WYSIWYG editor to customize the track’s description.
        Album Artwork Click Add to upload an album art or enter the image URL.
        Android Toggle on to make tracks available on Android.
    • Import iTunes Track
      1. Click Import iTunes Track.
      2. Complete the fields below.


        Field Description
        Search Method Select if you would like to search for the track using a keyword or album URL.
        Country Select from which store you would like to search for the track.
        Keyword The keyword that will be used to search for tracks.
      3. Enter the Keyword for the album URL and click Search.
      4. Check the boxes for the tracks you would like to select and click Import.
      5. When you have finished importing the tracks, click Close.


  4. Click Save at the top right when you are done.


Custom Design

If you would like to create a custom design for this feature instead of using the Global Design, please refer to the article Feature: Custom Design Area.


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