Understanding and Customizing Your Dashboard



The Dashboard contains a general view of your application’s usage, activity, and most importantly, revenue.

This article provides information on this feature and all the options available for customization.




The Dashboard is customizable, allowing you to add and remove modules so you can set the information that means the most to you. Each module is also a quick link to dive into the appropriate page.


Available Modules 
Module Description
App Sessions Previous 7 days of App Sessions
Top Customers Your top 5 most active customers
Platforms Percentage of users on each available platform: iOS, Android, and PWA
Total Revenue Sum of total revenue from Food Ordering, Merchandise, and Reservation features
Your Activity Push notifications, publish requests, and more

If you have a Food OrderingMerchandise, or Reservations feature, you will have the following options:


If you do not have a Food Ordering, Merchandise, or Reservations feature, you will only have the following options:


Below is an example of an application with a Food Ordering feature.



