Redirecting to Your HTML5 App



There are several methods to redirect your website to your HTML5 app. To learn what these methods are and how you can apply them, read the following section.




Enabling Your Front-End Redirect

  • If you would like your front-end website to redirect to your HTML5 app/mobile website when users visit on a smartphone, you can add your redirect script to the front-end site.
  • This script will allow the site to recognize when someone is visiting from their phone and automatically send them to the mobile version for optimal viewing.

Follow the steps below:

  1. If you are setting up your redirect on your own, let us know and we will send you the redirect script.
  2. Copy the redirect script and paste it into the header of the front-end site’s home page.
    • This is only possible if you have access to edit your website’s code.
    • Note: Do not add this script to each page of the front-end site, because that will result in an endless loop that prevents users from visiting specific pages of your front-end site on their phone. The home page header is enough.

Using Your QR Code

  • QR codes are basically bar codes that contain a URL.
  • When scanned using a QR scanner app, they take you to the given URL. This is easier than typing out a lengthy website address.
  • QR codes can be printed and posted, shared via email, included on flyers and business cards, etc.
  • Anyone with a QR scanner app installed on their phone can scan the QR codes for your apps to be taken to the given app (iOSAndroid, or HTML5).

Follow the steps below:

  1. You can download your HTML5 QR code through the Promote section of your app dashboard.
  2. From Promote, click the QR Code Flyer tab.
    • Here you will find your iOSAndroid, and HTML5 QR codes (please review Enabling Push Notifications, QR Codes, and Tell Friend Features before downloading and printing your QR codes.
    • iOS and Android URLs do not auto-generate in the Info section as the HTML5 URL does, so we need to take some steps to set those two up.
  3. Click Rebuild Code to sync up your new HTML5 URL.
  4. Once complete, use a QR scanner app to test out your HTML5 URL and confirm that it is directing you properly.
  5. Once confirmed, you can click Download to get a PDF version of your QR codes.
  6. If you would like to direct iOS and Android users to the native apps when they view your HTML5 app, you can check the Redirect box at the top left.
    • This will take them straight to the App Store or Play Store URL when they visit the HTML5 app.
    • Leave this box unchecked if you would like to allow iOS and Android users to view your HTML5 app.
